(Filepro’s Email Add-in must be installed to access this feature)
The contact can be saved to multiple folders in Outlook*, as well as public exchange folders.
All fields in this screen except ‘Type’ are included in the saved Outlook contact.
When you click OK, you will be asked to select one or more Outlook folders to save this contact to. Because of the complexity of Outlook’s folder structure, there are two methods for choosing where to save the new contact:
The Simple View, in which the possible Outlook folders are presented in a flat list:
This view will be adequate for most purposes, since only the folders that the current user has write access to are listed, in alphabetical order.
You can select a single folder to save the new contact to by clicking on it and then clicking the OK button.
You can select multiple folders by holding down CTRL and clicking additional folders before clicking the OK button.
You can select a range of folders by selecting the first folder in the range, holding down SHIFT and selecting the last.
Folders with a white background are local Outlook folders, and are most likely accessible only to you. Folders with a yellow background are public exchange folders. These are most likely accessible to everyone in the office.
The Advanced View, in which the entire Outlook folder hierarchy is presented in a tree view:
This view is useful when you have a complex outlook folder structure, possibly with several folders with the same name. This view presents the entire folder structure of both your local Outlook directory, as well the public exchange folders if applicable.
You can select which folder(s) to save the new contact to by ticking the checkboxes marked next to each possible folder.
Only contact folders have checkboxes next to them.
Similar to the basic view, folders with a white background are local Outlook folders, and are most likely only accessible to you. Folders with a yellow background are public exchange folders. These are most likely accessible to everyone in the office.
*Microsoft Outlook 2003 and higher only.
Where to get these windows from? I get this window