Based on FilePro Version 16.1 - Copyright 2013-2016


When a field has a button in it like this:  it means that there is a list of options available for you to choose from.
Clicking on the button will open a 'Lookup Table' showing any available options.           
If you don't want to use the mouse, make sure you are focused on the field with the lookup button, hold the Alt key and tap the down arrow.
Lookup tables will also appear when you select some menu items, i.e. when you go to E/M Contacts, the contact lookup table will appear so that you can select the contact you would like to view.  Similarly when you go to General Cheques a list of all the cheques ever entered will appear so that you can locate a specific record.
This is the lookup table for a date field:
This is the Active Files lookup:
Lookup tables like the one above have several tools to help you find the record you are searching for.  To begin with the records are ordered alpha-numerically by the first column, i.e. the records above are ordered by the File Code.  Therefore you can scroll down through the list and locate a specific file.  If you know what the File Code is, you can type it in under 'Search Character:' and only records matching what you have typed will appear.  If you are unsure of the File Code, but you know the Search Value, you can click where it says Search Value and drag the column to the very left hand side like this:
The records will now be ordered by the Search Value.  If you only know part of the Search Value, i.e. the first name but not the surname, you can type in a percentage symbol '%' and then the first name.  Any records containing the text you type after the % will appear.  In the example below, all the records shown contain 'del':
Once the record you are searching for is highlighted, you can press the enter key, double click on the record or click on the OK button to select it.
The online help was created with Dr.Explain