Based on FilePro Version 16.1 - Copyright 2013-2016

Workstation Control.ini and main FilePro Folder on server control.ini

Main Filepro Directory Control.ini on a workstation (workstations only have 1 control ini unless they also are the server)
The above screenshot is the control.ini file located on a workstation that uses FilePro this is the control file that is stored in the main FilePro directory in this case c:\program files\lpms filepro\control.ini
This file is broken up into four sub headings.


This heading contains two settings


This heading contains four settings


This has one setting
1.     Path: This tells FilePro where to look for the stored user information on the server, in the screenshot it points to the servers mapped FilePro drive and the user folder within.


This group tells FilePro where to look for the dll files when they are not stored locally. In this case it points to all the dll files on the Mapped Drive. It should always look like this but replace P:\Library\ with the correct directory.
NOTE: Sometimes after a workstation installation the .dll files will not be listed only the directory will be, in this case Filepro will not load, you just need to fill in the blanks with the correct .dll files as per the screenshot.
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