Based on FilePro Version 16.1 - Copyright 2013-2016

Reversing old trust cheques

To comply with the Trust Regulations you should always have your Trust Locking turned on
To reverse a Trust Cheque it is simply a matter of using the ‘R’ button in the top right corner of the Cheque screen:
You will then be prompted to provide a date and reason for your reversal:
And finally you will be asked to provide the SA (System Administrator) password. 
If you are not familiar with this password, you can contact us and with authority from a senior staff member, we can help you to acquire it.
You will find that a new entry is added (the reversal), funds will be returned to the file/s in question and you will be able to tick both the original and the reversal in your next Bank Reconciliation (they will cancel each other out).
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