Based on FilePro Version 16.1 - Copyright 2013-2016

Profiles and Work Types

By taking the time to implement well structured Profiles and Work Types in Filepro, you give yourself the ability to limit the information available for specific work types and automate work which may have previously been tedious and repetitive.
The diagram below will assist you to understand the relationship between Work Types and Profiles and how these should be set up in FilePro.
A Work Type is a general area of law within the firm, such as Family Law. A Profile is a specific area of work within that Work Type, such as Custody or Divorce.
Some firms might specialise in one area of law e.g.: Family Law, in which case there will be only one work type.  Other firms may practice in many areas of law, e.g. Family Law, Commercial, Personal Injury - these firms will have multiple work types.
Profiles are important primarily to automate Work Flow and Document management, but also to determine at any given time which areas of work have been most or least productive for you.
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